Christoph Hartung, Gunther Reißig, and Ferdinand Svaricek.
Sufficient Conditions for Strong Structural Controllability of Uncertain Linear Time-Varying Systems.
Proc. 2013 American Control Conference (ACC), Washington, DC, U.S.A., 17-19 June 2013, pp. 5875-5880.
Full text. (Definitive publication; restricted access.)
Full text. (Free access.)
In this paper, we extend the notion of strong structural controllability of linear time-invariant systems, a property that requires the controllability of each system in a specific class given by the zero-nonzero pattern of the system matrices, to the linear time-varying case x'(t) = A(t) x(t) + B(t) u(t), where A and B are matrices of analytic functions. It is demonstrated that the requirements for strong structural controllability of linear time-invariant systems are not sufficient for strong structural controllability of linear time-varying systems. Moreover, in the main result of this paper, sufficient conditions for strong structural controllability of linear timevarying systems are given and an algorithm for verifying this property is provided. Since time-invariant systems are included in the class of time-varying system, these conditions are also new sufficient conditions for strong structural controllability of time-invariant systems. Finally, the results are illustrated by means of an example.
BibTeX entry:
  author = {Christoph Hartung and Gunther Rei{\ss}ig and Ferdinand Svaricek},
  title  = {Sufficient Conditions for Strong Structural Controllability of Uncertain Linear Time-Varying Systems},
  booktitle= {Proc. 2013 American Control Conference (ACC), Washington, DC, U.S.A., 17-19 June 2013},
  PAGES  = {5875-5880},
  YEAR  = 2013,
  doi   = {10.1109/ACC.2013.6580759}

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