Christoph Hartung, Gunther Reißig, and Ferdinand Svaricek.
Necessary Conditions for Structural and Strong Structural Controllability of Linear Time-Varying Systems.
Proc. European Control Conference (ECC), Zürich, Switzerland, 17-19 July 2013, pp. 1335-1340.
Full text. (Definitive publication; restricted access.)

In this paper, the notion of structural controllability of linear time-invariant systems is extended to the time-varying case x'(t) = A(t) x(t) + B(t) u(t). We provide two Examples which show that neither the conditions for structural controllability of time-invariant systems are necessary, nor the conditions for strong structural controllability of time-invariant systems are sufficient for the controllability of time-varying systems. We present a necessary condition for structural controllability of linear time-varying systems and in our main result a necessary condition for strong structural controllability of linear time-varying systems is given. In a previous work, this necessary condition for strong structural controllability of linear time-invariant systems was shown to be sufficient, so that the strong structural controllability of linear time-invariant systems is now characterized. We want to emphasize, that our results cover the single and the multi-input case.
BibTeX entry:
  author = {Christoph Hartung and Gunther Rei{\ss}ig and Ferdinand Svaricek},
  title  = {Necessary Conditions for Structural and Strong Structural Controllability of Linear Time-Varying Systems},
  booktitle= {Proc. European Control Conference (ECC), Z{\"u}rich, Switzerland, 17-19 } # jul # { 2013},
  PAGES  = {1335-1340},
  YEAR  = 2013,
  doi   = {10.23919/ECC.2013.6669592}

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